Is auto-refresh reliable ?

Another refresh and this time snapd did absolutely nothing even thought there are three snaps to update.

snap refresh --time
timer: 00:00~24:00/4
last: today at 00:38 CEST
next: today at 06:54 CEST
snap refresh --list
Name        Version         Rev   Size   Publisher   Notes
chromium    124.0.6367.155  2846  169MB  canonical✓  -
firefox     126.0b9-1       4246  284MB  mozilla✓    -
snap-store  0+git.eb04cf4   1139  10MB   canonical✓  -

You mean a manual snap refresh ?

Btw, a snapd update has been pushed recently. Now I have :

$ snap version
snap    2.62+23.10
snapd   2.62+23.10
series  16
ubuntu  23.10
kernel  6.5.0-28-generic

I guess that version is specific to 23.10, but maybe other specific versions have been pushed for other distro versions…

No manual refresh would update all snaps that have update available.

The stable version of snapd is 2.62

snap info snapd

tracking:     latest/edge
refresh-date: yesterday at 22:47 CEST
  latest/stable:    2.62                 2024-04-16 (21465) 40MB -
  latest/candidate: 2.62                 2024-04-08 (21465) 40MB -
  latest/beta:      2.63                 2024-04-24 (21759) 40MB -
  latest/edge:      2.63+git156.g1b035da 2024-05-10 (21871) 40MB -
installed:          2.63+git156.g1b035da            (21871) 40MB snapd

Yeah I have that too :

tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 16 days ago, at 13:51 CEST
  latest/stable:    2.62                 2024-04-16 (21465) 40MB -
  latest/candidate: 2.62                 2024-04-08 (21465) 40MB -
  latest/beta:      2.63                 2024-04-24 (21759) 40MB -
  latest/edge:      2.63+git158.g1692d3a 2024-05-10 (21876) 40MB -
installed:          2.62                            (21465) 40MB snapd

But nevertheless, I recently got an update through update-notifier, not the snap system, that required me to reboot, and since then my snap version has changed to what I posted previously.

I have the same problem on Kubuntu 24.04 (and I had the problem also on Kubuntu 23.10). Snap Firefox doesn’t automatically update. Journalctl shows "storehelpers.go:923: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: “bare”, “core22”, “firefox” etc etc. “Snap list” shows a tick next to Firefox to show it is on the latest version but it isn’t (it’s 125.0.2 but the latest version is 126.0-2).

Just as I thought my snaps weren’t auto-updating, I got a message to say that Firefox needs to be closed so it can be updated! I closed it, waited a minute and got a completion message. Now it’s on the latest version. So my snaps do update fine. Thanks everyone, I’ll be a bit more patient next time!

I doubt waiting more than two weeks for an update should be considered patient, but rather ready to test how far is goes in its failure to auto-update. It seems that the snaps ultimately auto-refresh at some point in time, but who knows when ? I’m still at 125.0.2-1, but I’m confident it will auto-refresh somewhere in the future… yeah.

The tarball is coming near !

PS : The tick near the editor name doesn’t mean the snap is up to date, it means the editor is a verified one.

My Firefox is still at the same version as in my previous post 126.0b9-1.

Last update was 12 days ago and in the meantime the beta version did go up a number to 127.

snap info firefox 

tracking:     latest/beta
refresh-date: 12 days ago, at 12:11 CEST
  latest/stable:    126.0-2       2024-05-14 (4259) 283MB -
  latest/candidate: 126.0-2       2024-05-10 (4259) 283MB -
  latest/beta:      127.0b3-1     2024-05-17 (4295) 283MB -
  latest/edge:      128.0a1       2024-05-17 (4293) 301MB -
  esr/stable:       115.11.0esr-1 2024-05-14 (4244) 257MB -
  esr/candidate:    115.11.0esr-1 2024-05-06 (4244) 257MB -
  esr/beta:         ↑                                     
  esr/edge:         ↑                                     
installed:          126.0b9-1                (4234) 284MB -

Btw, does anyone know what the “Updating snaps” message means, at the end of a standard (APT) GUI system update on Ubuntu ? Because well, it seems to do absolutely nothing.

Yeah, finally my firefox auto refreshed today to ver.126. 6 days later after mozilla pushed to stable channel.

Finally up to date here too, after a long wait (in fact it was refreshed to days ago) ! That being said the problem isn’t over, since it’s nowhere specified how auto-refreshes are scheduled. Clearly, it’s not “Check four times a day and auto-refresh all snaps that have a newer version in the selected branch”… so how does it work ? The rules are unclear, and clearly bad anyway because allowing an obsolete version to be retained for two weeks can’t be good.

I found this maybe can explain the delay, but i dont know if firefox snap has enabled this approach.

Interesting… so as I expected, they implemented a rough equivalent of the APT phased updates.

However, contrary to the phased updates where it’s possible to see the status, here it’s not possible, hence we can’t know if it’s being applied to the firefox snap, therefore it can be a problem with how Mozilla manages things as well as it can be a problem with the snap system itself.

I tried to view the status with snapcraft status firefox, but it requires credentials. Moreover I had to login, which should not be required for that operation… Maybe the distribution status should be made possible for the general public through a simple snap command, instead of having to go through snapcraft.

So, for the record, all my snaps are now up to date. I’ve upgraded to 24.04 since more than a week and it has remained so… Last Firefox update (126.0.1-1) has been followed by a timely snap auto refresh. By timely I mean less than a week, which can be a tad short indeed if it’s a critical security update, but in the present case, the auto-refresh occured less than two days after the update.

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I finally had two consecutive auto-refreshes of Firefox.

And after that there were two more updates in the beta channel, but auto-refresh didn’t do the update.

As of now, the last beta channel update of firefox dates back to the 31th of may. I tend not to scream as long as it remains less than a week late, but you’re right, it’s a fact that some security updates may require swift distribution, and we’re left in the dark regarding that.