Interface request: "cups-control" on CUPS snap and including D-Bus

@jamesh, @jdstrand, I have started the CUPS patch now (see below, is there really no way to add attachments in this forum?). I have found out that all authentication is done at a central place in cupsd, in the cupsdIsAuthorized() function in the file scheduler/auth.c.
To define which of the many IPP operations which CUPS supports are administrative operations (the ones which should only be allowed through the “cups-control” interface and not through the “cups” interface) I have taken the ones which are only allowed by the pseudo-group @SYSTEM in the policies in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. This way I can simply check in the cupsdIsAuthorized() function whether the authorization is done through @SYSTEM and if so, call an extra function, which I have called cupsdCheckAdminTask() and only if this one tests positive, allow the operation.
In cupsdCheckAdminTask() I check whether the client connects via domain socket (network address family AF_LOCAL) and if not, the function simply passes. If the client connects through a domain socket I poll its peer credentials and so get the PID of the client process. After the line

/* Examine client process here */

one only needs to insert the checking for whether this process is from a Snap and whether this Snap plugs with “cups-control”.


diff --git a/scheduler/auth.c b/scheduler/auth.c
index 4fbad6e24..466a0e529 100644
--- a/scheduler/auth.c
+++ b/scheduler/auth.c
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 #  include <sys/ucred.h>
 typedef struct xucred cupsd_ucred_t;
 #  define CUPSD_UCRED_UID(c) (c).cr_uid
+#  define CUPSD_UCRED_PID(c) (c).cr_pid
 #  ifndef __OpenBSD__
 typedef struct ucred cupsd_ucred_t;
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ typedef struct ucred cupsd_ucred_t;
 typedef struct sockpeercred cupsd_ucred_t;
 #  endif
 #  define CUPSD_UCRED_UID(c) (c).uid
+#  define CUPSD_UCRED_PID(c) (c).pid
 #endif /* HAVE_SYS_UCRED_H */
@@ -1520,6 +1522,61 @@ cupsdFreeLocation(cupsd_location_t *loc)/* I - Location to free */
+ * 'cupsdCheckAdminTask()' - Do additional checks on administrative tasks
+ */
+int                                      /* O - 1 if admin task authorized */
+cupsdCheckAdminTask(cupsd_client_t *con) /* I - Connection */
+  cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG,
+		  "cupsdCheckAdminTask: ADMINISTRATIVE TASK!!");
+#if defined(SO_PEERCRED) && defined(AF_LOCAL)
+ /*
+  * Get the client's PID if it accesses locally via domain socket
+  */
+  if (httpAddrFamily(con->http->hostaddr) == AF_LOCAL)
+  {
+    cupsd_ucred_t	peercred;	/* Peer credentials */
+    socklen_t		peersize;	/* Size of peer credentials */
+    int                 client_pid;     /* PID of client */
+    peersize = sizeof(peercred);
+#  ifdef __APPLE__
+    if (getsockopt(httpGetFd(con->http), 0, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &peercred,
+		   &peersize))
+#  else
+    if (getsockopt(httpGetFd(con->http), SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &peercred,
+		   &peersize))
+#  endif /* __APPLE__ */
+    {
+      cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR,
+		      "cupsdCheckAdminTask: Unable to get peer credentials - %s",
+		      strerror(errno));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG,
+		      "cupsdCheckAdminTask: Client UID %d PID %d",
+		      CUPSD_UCRED_UID(peercred),
+		      CUPSD_UCRED_PID(peercred));
+      client_pid = CUPSD_UCRED_PID(peercred);
+      /* Examine client process here */
+      cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG,
+		      "cupsdCheckAdminTask: Examining process %d ...",
+		      client_pid);
+    }
+  }
+#endif /* SO_PEERCRED && AF_LOCAL */
+  return 1;
  * 'cupsdIsAuthorized()' - Check to see if the user is authorized...
@@ -1714,12 +1771,9 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
   * OK, got a username.  See if we need normal user access, or group
-  * access... (root always matches)
+  * access...
-  if (!strcmp(username, "root"))
-    return (HTTP_OK);
   * Strip any @domain or @KDC from the username and owner...
@@ -1749,6 +1803,21 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
     pw = NULL;
+ /*
+  * For matching user and group memberships below we will first go
+  * through all names except @SYSTEM to authorize the task as
+  * non-administrative, like printing or deleting one's own job, if this
+  * fails we will check whether we can authorize via the special name
+  * @SYSTEM, as an administrative task, like creating a print queue or
+  * deleting someone else's job.
+  * Note that tasks are considered as administrative by the policies
+  * in cupsd.conf, when they require the user or group @SYSTEM.
+  * We do this separation because if the client is a Snap connecting via
+  * domain socket, we need to additionally check whether it plugs to us
+  * through the "cups-control" interface which allows administration and
+  * not through the "cups" interface which allows only printing.
+  */
   if (best->level == CUPSD_AUTH_USER)
@@ -1779,8 +1848,15 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
 	if (!_cups_strncasecmp(name, "@AUTHKEY(", 9) && check_authref(con, name + 9))
 	  return (HTTP_OK);
-	else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM") && SystemGroupAuthKey &&
-		 check_authref(con, SystemGroupAuthKey))
+      }
+      for (name = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(best->names);
+           name;
+	   name = (char *)cupsArrayNext(best->names))
+      {
+	if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM") && SystemGroupAuthKey &&
+	    check_authref(con, SystemGroupAuthKey) &&
+	    cupsdCheckAdminTask(con))
 	  return (HTTP_OK);
@@ -1797,9 +1873,8 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
 	return (HTTP_OK);
       else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM"))
-        for (i = 0; i < NumSystemGroups; i ++)
-	  if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, SystemGroups[i]))
-	    return (HTTP_OK);
+	/* Do @SYSTEM later, when every other entry fails */
+	continue;
       else if (name[0] == '@')
@@ -1810,6 +1885,19 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
         return (HTTP_OK);
+    for (name = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(best->names);
+	 name;
+	 name = (char *)cupsArrayNext(best->names))
+    {
+      if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM"))
+      {
+        for (i = 0; i < NumSystemGroups; i ++)
+	  if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, SystemGroups[i]) &&
+	      cupsdCheckAdminTask(con))
+	    return (HTTP_OK);
+      }
+    }
     return (con->username[0] ? HTTP_FORBIDDEN : HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED);
@@ -1827,16 +1915,31 @@ cupsdIsAuthorized(cupsd_client_t *con,	/* I - Connection */
        name = (char *)cupsArrayNext(best->names))
+    if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM"))
+    {
+      /* Do @SYSTEM later, when every other entry fails */
+      continue;
+    }
     cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdIsAuthorized: Checking group \"%s\" membership...", name);
+    if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, name))
+      return (HTTP_OK);
+  }
+  for (name = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(best->names);
+       name;
+       name = (char *)cupsArrayNext(best->names))
+  {
     if (!_cups_strcasecmp(name, "@SYSTEM"))
+      cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdIsAuthorized: Checking group \"%s\" membership...", name);
       for (i = 0; i < NumSystemGroups; i ++)
-	if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, SystemGroups[i]))
+	if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, SystemGroups[i]) &&
+	    cupsdCheckAdminTask(con))
 	  return (HTTP_OK);
-    else if (cupsdCheckGroup(username, pw, name))
-      return (HTTP_OK);