Interface autoconnections request for gimp (track: 2.99-openvino)

Hi @alexmurray and others:

I’ve switched to using the personal-files interface within the 2.99-openvino branch of the GIMP snap so models can be accessed from ~/.local/share/openvino-ai-plugins-gimp in this PR: feature: switch to personal-files interface as a less intrusive location for models by frenchwr · Pull Request #310 · snapcrafters/gimp · GitHub

So I would also like to request an additional autoconnection for:

  • dot-local-share-openvino-ai-plugins-gimp:
    • request-type: autoconnection
    • reasoning: GIMP needs access to ~/.local/share/openvino-ai-plugins-gimp for reading stable diffusion models, and for writing different model formats (optimized for detected device accelerators) to this same directory. Previously these models were being read/read from ~/openvino-ai-plugins-gimp but using a hidden directory is less intrusive.

See more background and discussion in this related forum post: Interface autoconnections request for openvino-ai-plugins-gimp

I also suspect that once the PR is merged the new published revision will need manual review in the store due to this new interface.