Integrate snapd-xdg-open into snapd repository

Is there a nice Go DBus library we could use? seems to be the best maintained one Iā€™ve found.

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Sounds good, except perhaps for the idea of merging and pushing snapd-xdg-open as it stands first, for similar reasons to the ones discussed above: this is a tiny application, and should be easy for us to move ahead with this approach. Iā€™d prefer to not invest our time, and that of contributors that need to integrate the tool in each of the distributions, just to then change it all shortly after.

Can we go ahead and just do the trivial application under snapd --user in the first place?

Sure, let me implement that and propose a PR.


A first WIP PR for the snapd --user instance is now available at


Reworking the mentioned PR at the moment as I agreed with @niemeyer to add the daemon as snap userd instead of snapd --user as it is really a client of snapd like the snap command and not something which is the user session equivalent of snapd.

iā€™d like to know when we can move forward with despite being orthogonal @niemeyer asked me to hold back landing it til there was a decision for the other part of the implementation.

given that this is moving forward, can we land this PR to finally get rid of all the PATH hacks it causes in other places ?

I am +1 as the PR doesnā€™t change anything what weā€™re doing for snap userd. The only thing we have to change once snap userd lands is to support both service names.

Looks fine to me as well.

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We have a software developer who has a snap which works on Ubuntu but not on non-Ubuntu because it relies on launching external pages via xdg-open. Is there a timeline when the integration of xdg-open into snapd will land so their app will work on other distros?


After being back from holiday I started this morning to polish the PR.


I did a first update of the PR but now need to fix the spread test case for Ubuntu 14.04 and then we should be ready to go.



is there any known problem about xdg-open not being executable by the snap?

In my snaps I donā€™t see it (I just do mount | grep snap and then inspect the contents), although I can see in /snap/core/current/user/bin

Also, I get this error when I call it via child_process:

/bin/sh xdg-open object not found (is like the binary or script is not there)

To test that is not my code, I also tried with the snapcraft-forum app and I got the same error when I try to open an external link.

Iā€™m using the latest version of snap and Iā€™m including the unity7 interface (I use electron builder for that) and everything seems to be correct.
I also tried to forcing the path to /usr/local/bin as some one suggested but since there is no binary or script there I got a similar error.

Any ideas?

Update, here is the complete javascript error:

Uncaught Exception:
Error: Command failed: xdg-open file:///home/moodle/snap/moodlemobile/x1/com.moodle.moodlemobile/sites/81f05127ddc52d78f935288c2c670dd8/filepool/DigitalLiteraciesTranscript_8ccfd589eb4bd1375c7a63c7085de0d2.pdf
/bin/sh: 1: xdg-open: Permission denied

at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:502:13)
at Object.execSync (child_process.js:542:13)
at Object.childProcess.(anonymous function) [as execSync] (ELECTRON_ASAR.js:685:22)
at EventEmitter.ipcMain.on (/snap/moodlemobile/x1/resources/app.asar/www/electron.js:131:19)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:191:7)
at WebContents.<anonymous> (/snap/moodlemobile/x1/resources/electron.asar/browser/api/web-contents.js:256:37)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at WebContents.emit (events.js:191:7)

So I eventually made xdg-open work but the problem is that it seems that snapd-xdg-open only accepts URLs (so if I try to open another file it will return an error ā€œProtocol not supportedā€)

So my question is: is there any way to open files (with the default app for the file type) downloaded via a snap app?
Our app is a desktop version of Moodle Mobile. Moodle is an LMS (tool for delivering online courses) so most of the courses include pdf files. Right now, with snap, we canā€™t launch the pdfs (or any file) downloaded by the user (I tried things like embedding file browsers like xfe or trying to launch nautilus etcā€¦) but it seems that it is not possible unless using an interface and I donā€™t see any interface suitable for launching files.

xdg-open is currently filtering the protocols on both sides, in the helper we ship in the core snap and the dbus service that snapd-xdg-open ships.

There is a re-write in the works that is discuseed in the thread below:

I know that @niemeyer has some opinions about the filtering, so Iā€™m not sure what the limits are in which we want to extend the filters with new protocols.

Thanks for your reply, so it seems that for the time being there is no a simple way for launching files in other system applications via snap.

I did additional research to see how this is achieved by Ubuntu touch apps (to see if they implement a system like Android intents) but I found nothing so I assume that, for now, the only solution would be to integrate a preview app inside our snap so we can launch it to display a preview of the files downloaded (with some limitations like there wonā€™t be a way to launch the original file).

In any case, Iā€™ll check a few months again

Well, adding pdf to the allowed mime types is pretty trivial, the question is if this is wanted by the architects (which is why i summoned @niemeyer above)) in this form.

Just adding the change is a few minutes work and would be possible to land with the next stable core release (and snapd-xdg-open package).

@jleyva Itā€™s generally not a job for snapd itself to support opening all kinds of URLs. Instead, it mediates into whatever the platform of your choice is. The xdg-open trick is a good one, and weā€™re improving it further, but itā€™s not the only way you can open other applications.

If you provide further details about what youā€™re trying to do, weā€™d be happy to assist you in having the proper API in place, and we even if thereā€™s no convenient mechanism to support it exactly what you want right now, you might try to get a classicly confined snap in place which would allow traditional access into the underlying system, while we nail down the details of strict confinement.

@niemeyer thanks for your reply.

I will try to explain clearly what are we trying to achieve. Our app is a Desktop client for Moodle. Moodle is an LMS (a tool for providing online courses), in some aspects is similar to a CMS because you can create contents that will be delivered to students.

When a teacher creates a course, he can add activities like forums, quizzes or he can upload files for the students to download (like a pdf, a presentation, a mp4 video or an audio).

The student should be able to use our desktop app to download the course contents and open them when he is not connected to the Internet. For example, he should be able to download the pdf, presentation and videos. Once the contents are downloaded to the user home he should be able to open them via the same interface in the app he used to download them.
Basically, he see in the app a list of contents with an icon that indicates that it has been already downloaded. If he clicks on the icon, the app should open the local document using the default application in the OS.
We have everything working right now in Linux. The problem is that when we create the strict snap everything works fine except launching the downloaded files using the OS default application for the extension/mime type. We made snapd-xdg-open work but we noticed that only supports URLS (not files).
So, right now, we canā€™t use snap (we could use the classic confinement but it seems that is not supported by most of Linux distributions and part of the Moodle open philosophy is to be available in any type of device).
In brief: we need a way to allow strictly confined snaps to open files using the OS default app for the extension.

I see, thanks for the details.

What extension/mime type do you need to be handled by your application? Is there a standard mime type (say, for a PDF) or is it custom to your application? Perhaps can you point me to the diff of the change you produced for snapd-xdg-open, so I can have a more clear idea of what you need?

We have some changes in progress right now for snapd-xdg-open, so Iā€™m keen on making sure your use case is either already handled or at least that it will be in the near future.