Installs via snap-store snap are not working!

I use deepin, so no gnome for me. snapd per terminal works flawlessly. i downloaded snap-store and gnome-3-28-XXXX core. i connected the store and gnome via
snap connect snap-store:gnome-3-28-1804 gnome-3-28-1804
and store is finally able to launch in dde.
everything works except installing snaps.
It just shows pending install… and nothing happens…

greetings from germany!

could someone maybe provide me some info if there are any logs that the store does?

Possibly @willcooke or @kenvandine could point you at log location or other troubleshooting info.

Let’s collect some logs and figure out what’s going on. Please run the following command and attach the output:

killall snap-store && snap-store --verbose

I don’t know anymore what was wrong and if I fixed it, but everything is working properly with the store itself now that I switched to fedora back again. Deepin is to buggy for me at this date. A lot is not gtk/gnome compatible, I think the problem was related to something like this…