July 21, 2017, 2:01pm
Does this impact the prior proposal(s) to have proxy configuration handled by core snap config or is this just a discussion of the internal implementation details?
One topic that came up during the sprint is that there is no easy way to set the proxy for snapd. On a classic system this is easy via editing /etc/environment. However on an ubuntu-core system this file is read-only. Providing an easy way to set the proxy on core this way would be beneficial.
← mvo5:configure-hook-proxy
opened 04:53PM - 16 Jul 17 UTC
This is based on #3568
One downside with this approach right now is that whe… n a user manually edits:
with e.g.: "http_proxy="
This will be overriden when the core configure support for proxies lands. The reason is that the code can not currently differentiate between an option that is not set and an option that is set to `""`. This only impacts core so *maybe* it is ok as this is the official way to configure the proxy on core. However it might be a bad experience for existing systems that manually setup the proxy in some way.