Help needed with Bombsquad snap

Hi Alan,

Anytime I’ve personally used ALSA --> Pulse in snaps, I’ve never personally had to use the full alsa-mixin part provided by Lucy; there might be bits that it handles that I’m unaware of. Personally, I usually do it more directly, like in


  1. Stage

    • libpulse0
    • libasound2
    • libasound2-plugins

(Might not even need libpulse0 if using the desktop extensions).

  1. Add ALSA_CONFIG_PATH as an environment pointing to the file in 3), e.g:
  ALSA_CONFIG_PATH: "$SNAP/etc/asound.conf"
  1. Ensure ALSA_CONFIG_PATH exists, in the snap example above we just create it as an override.
override-pull: |
      mkdir etc -p
      cat > etc/asound.conf <<EOF
      pcm.!default {
          type pulse
          fallback "sysdefault"
          hint {
              show on
              description "Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)"
      ctl.!default {
          type pulse
          fallback "sysdefault"

A lot of this was ripped of Lucy’s mixin part fwiw ;).

Hopefully this might workaround whatevers actually going on.