Gtk-common-themes out of date?

On the Ubuntu discourse, a poster noted theming issues with the new Firefox snap

As I replied there, this reminded me that I’ve noticed that the stable channel of gtk-common-themes has been consistently out of date, at least since around the 21.10 release. I had forgot I did this, but I’ve been using the candidate or beta channel of gtk-common-themes – they’ve had the same version – since Impish came out. (I switched channels then because the mixed Yaru theme went away, so Chromium didn’t find the right theme unless it had the latest GTK theme from this snap.)

Stable gtk-common-themes is version 0.1-59-g7bca6ae from 22 September 2021, so I don’t think it could include any of the new Yaru color themes from Jammy – unless I don’t understand something?


probably worth my CC: ing @kenvandine to have a poke at the team to see whether it can be promoted yet.

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Might I add that Snap Store and Chromium are being effected by this as well.

Actually, jammy is using stable/ubuntu-22.04 channel for gtk-common-themes which has the latest Yaru. The latest Yaru actually breaks on some old releases, so I’m not going to publish to stable until that’s resolved. Shouldn’t effect Jammy users, which should all be tracking the stable/ubuntu-22.04 channels


Thanks @kenvandine. I’ve run

snap refresh gtk-common-themes --channel=stable/ubuntu-22.04

and it is the up-to-date version.

Now I’m only wondering how I can see these channels. Running snap info gtk-common-themes doesn’t show them that I can see.

Mine was a dist upgrade from 21.10, is that the reason (even though I am on the stable branch for gtk-common-themes) it might have messed up for me?

Edit: running snap refresh gtk-common-themes --channel=stable/ubuntu-22.04 fixed the issue for me.

I used do-release-upgrade from Ubuntu Mate 21.10 to 22.04. It seems the gtk-common-themes hasn’t moved with that?

$ snap info gtk-common-themes
name:      gtk-common-themes
summary:   All the (common) themes
publisher: Canonical✓
license:   unset
description: |
  A snap that exports the GTK and icon themes used on various Linux distros.
snap-id:      jZLfBRzf1cYlYysIjD2bwSzNtngY0qit
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 19 days ago, at 15:49 BST
  latest/stable:    0.1-59-g7bca6ae 2021-09-22 (1519) 68MB -
  latest/candidate: 0.1-79-ga83e90c 2022-04-01 (1534) 85MB -
  latest/beta:      0.1-79-ga83e90c 2022-04-01 (1534) 85MB -
  latest/edge:      0.1-79-ga83e90c 2022-04-04 (1534) 85MB -
installed:          0.1-59-g7bca6ae            (1519) 68MB -

Any chance you’ve ever manually changed channels? It should have updated the tracking channel unless you had perhaps switched to edge or candidate in the past then back to stable.

Reported a bug as suggested by @seb128 on the Ubuntu forum:

I did manually change channels (I think because I was using Impish before release and it fixed the issue at that time). I’m curious if others did ever change channels manually.

I still wish there was a way to see these channels are available, like with the snap info command.

anything is possible. It’s the sort of thing I’d do, even though I don’t recall doing so :slight_smile:

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If someone has, maybe there should be a question during the upgrade? Like what happens when there’s a new system config file that conflicts with your modified one.

No, I keep this system a general purpose family PC that just needs to work. If any tinkering I do it would be in a VM or a spare laptop I have.

For the bug, they’re asking for the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log file. Can someone who has this issue and didn’t change the snap channel upload theirs? @motang @lucyllewy

I just checked my one machine that I didn’t change the channel on, and it is on the stable/ubuntu-22.04 channel. I can upload the log for my main machine, but I had definitely switched that one to the beta channel.

Responded my log file.

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unfortunately I’ve since reinstalled, so my logs are gone :slight_smile:

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Not sure whether to create a new topic for this or not, but since upgrading to gtk-common-themes version 0.1-79-ga83e90c a few days ago, the problem where Firefox, Chromium, Thunderbird and other snaps no longer follow the current selected theme (Yaru) has shown up on my 20.04.4 machine. Reverting back to version 0.1-59-g7bca6ae fixes the problem. I’d file a bug, but I’m not sure where to do that on launchpad.

Hmm, I also see that the stable/ubuntu-20.04 channel now has the same version as the stable and stable/ubuntu-22.04. I thought the different channels were there to they could be different versions? :confused: I guess they think this version should work.

When I tried ubuntu-bug gtk-common-themes, it points to a GitLab repo for the snap, which is archived and links to GitHub. So you could submit an issue there: