Gnome calendar is not in spanish

Hi, I am using gnome calendar and this snap come not in spanish, my regional language. By the way flatpak bundle recognize my regional language.

@jamesh Related to the theme topic? Or is that just the actual data missing inside the snap?

Ping @willcooke and @kenvandine too.

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Probably far from being related but here’s another snap with non-functional I18N: GNU Hello: No localization; Where's the source?

It seems to display okay here when I pick Spanish:

$ LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=es_ES LC_MESSAGES=es_ES.UTF-8 snap run gnome-calendar

(it’s showing with the wrong theme due to the Wayland/theme issue mentioned earlier)

I do see a lot of spam to stderr though, so it is quite possible something is broken. It’s not one of the seeded snaps on Cosmic though: we’re still shipping the .deb version, so the snap hasn’t seen the same level of attention and testing as e.g. gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, etc.

That is indeed unrelated.

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Any progress about this?

You told us it wasn’t showing up translated, @jamesh showed that it was working for him. Could you reply to that with more information to show how what he’s doing is different from what you’re doing?

It suppose I must to do something else apart of run the app?

Run the locale command in a terminal and post the output

ok, now is working thanks

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did you do anything differently, such that before it didn’t work and now it did?

I reinstalled the app. In fact gnome contacts had the same problem, but just I reinstalled the app and they recognized my regional language. I did run the command in the terminal first.

Maybe some locale-related environmental variables set in shell run commands but not in the X profile?

Run locale command in the terminal and post the output here.

(gnome-calendar:14589): GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:48:07.659: g_variant_get_type: assertion ‘value != NULL’ failed

(gnome-calendar:14589): GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:48:07.659: g_variant_type_is_subtype_of: assertion ‘g_variant_type_check (type)’ failed

(gnome-calendar:14589): GLib-CRITICAL **: 19:48:07.659: g_variant_get_boolean: assertion ‘g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN)’ failed

(gnome-calendar:14589): GcalManager-WARNING **: 19:48:09.539: source_credentials_required_cb: Failed to authenticate ‘Contacts’: Falló al obtener el token de acceso para «Contacts»: Se alcanzó el tiempo de expiración

(gnome-calendar:14589): GcalManager-WARNING **: 19:48:09.539: source_credentials_required_cb: Failed to authenticate ‘Festivos en Costa Rica’: Se alcanzó el tiempo de expiración

(gnome-calendar:14589): GcalManager-WARNING **: 19:48:09.539: source_credentials_required_cb: Failed to authenticate ‘’: Se alcanzó el tiempo de expiración

(gnome-calendar:14589): GcalManager-WARNING **: 19:48:09.539: source_credentials_required_cb: Failed to authenticate ‘’: Falló al obtener el token de acceso para «»: Se alcanzó el tiempo de expiración

(gnome-calendar:14589): GcalWeatherService-WARNING **: 19:48:10.186: Could not create GCLueSimple: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient; type=“method_call”, sender=":1.7860" (uid=1000 pid=14589 comm=“gnome-calendar " label=“snap.gnome-calendar.gnome-calendar (enforce)”) interface=“org.freedesktop.GeoClue2.Manager” member=“GetClient” error name=”(unset)" requested_reply=“0” destination=":1.7867" (uid=118 pid=14700 comm="/usr/lib/geoclue-2.0/geoclue -t 5 " label=“unconfined”)