Failure to upgrade to 2.27.1 and 2.27.2 with LXD installed

Confirmed failing in 2.27.2 too

⟫ snap tasks 893
Status  Spawn                 Ready                 Summary
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Download snap "core" (2677) from channel "beta"
Done    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Fetch and check assertions for snap "core" (2677)
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:25:00Z  Mount snap "core" (2677)
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:25:00Z  Stop snap "core" services
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:25:00Z  Remove aliases for snap "core"
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Make current revision for snap "core" unavailable
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Copy snap "core" data
Error   2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Setup snap "core" (2677) security profiles
Undone  2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Make snap "core" (2677) available to the system
Error   2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Setup snap "core" (2677) security profiles (phase 2)
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Set automatic aliases for snap "core"
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Setup snap "core" aliases
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Start snap "core" (2677) services
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Remove data for snap "core" (2312)
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Remove snap "core" (2312) from the system
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Clean up "core" (2677) install
Hold    2017-08-16T14:24:42Z  2017-08-16T14:24:58Z  Run configure hook of "core" snap if present

Make current revision for snap "core" unavailable

2017-08-16T15:24:58+01:00 INFO Requested daemon restart.

Setup snap "core" (2677) security profiles

2017-08-16T15:24:56+01:00 INFO cannot auto connect core:home (slot auto-connection), candidates found: "lxd:home, redacted:home"
2017-08-16T15:24:56+01:00 INFO cannot auto connect core:network (slot auto-connection), candidates found: "lxd:network, redacted:network, emoj:network, redacted2:network"
2017-08-16T15:24:56+01:00 INFO cannot auto connect core:network-bind (slot auto-connection), candidates found: "redacted2:network-bind, canonical-livepatch:network-bind"
2017-08-16T15:24:58+01:00 ERROR cannot setup mount for snap "lxd": cannot update mount namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update snap namespace: cannot save current mount profile of snap "lxd": open /run/snapd/ns: no such file or directory
2017-08-16T15:24:58+01:00 ERROR cannot update mount namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update snap namespace: cannot save current mount profile of snap "lxd": open /run/snapd/ns: no such file or directory

Make snap "core" (2677) available to the system

2017-08-16T15:24:56+01:00 INFO Requested daemon restart.

Setup snap "core" (2677) security profiles (phase 2)

2017-08-16T15:24:58+01:00 ERROR cannot setup mount for snap "lxd": cannot update mount namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update snap namespace: cannot save current mount profile of snap "lxd": open /run/snapd/ns: no such file or directory
2017-08-16T15:24:58+01:00 ERROR cannot update mount namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "lxd": cannot update snap namespace: cannot save current mount profile of snap "lxd": open /run/snapd/ns: no such file or directory