Effects of dynamic library caching on Snap startup performance

This is a followup post to Squashfs performance effect on snap startup time where we are looking at the effects of dynamic library caching on snap startup performance.

Dynamic libraries and the linker

First, some background information on what dynamic libraries are and how they fit into application startup. An application as defined by a snap specifies a command to run, which includes both the executable file which is run and the arguments to that executable file. That executable file however, may not include all the code/objects/functions necessary to run and may need other library files to be loaded for it to run successfully. These other files are generally called dynamic libraries and need to be located by a program called the dynamic linker. On Linux, the dynamic linker is called ld.so and it has 5 total mechanisms to locate dynamic libraries needed by a given location, that are searched in the given order.

The first mechanism is called rpath, and it’s a specific setting set at build time for an executable. This is a single directory. Note that while this is typically set at build time, it can be modified later, but the executable must be writable, so this setting could not be modified at run-time for a snap. Additionally, setting rpath is considered deprecated and instead should be replaced with runpath, which, if set is used in place of rpath and used below.

The second mechanism is through an environment variable defined at run-time called $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The expected value for this is a list of directories or a single directory.

The third mechanism is through the runpath setting for an executable. Unlike the rpath setting, this can be a list of directories.

The fourth mechanism is through a cache file located in /etc/ld.so.cache, which is essentially a lookup of the filename of the desired dynamic library and its known location.

The final mechanism is searching the default directories of /lib, /usr/lib and on 64-bit platforms /lib64 and /usr/lib64.

Status quo for snaps

Since snaps typically ship almost all of their own dynamic library dependencies inside the snap, and these dependencies show up at run-time in /snap/$SNAP_NAME/current (aka $SNAP), the dynamic linker will not find the libraries in $SNAP by default without using one of the first 4 mechanisms to instruct the linker to search $SNAP. The easiest method for snap packagers to get the dynamic linker to find these libraries is usually to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the snap environment to a list of all the relevant directories in $SNAP that contain dynamic libraries. While effective at resolving the location of dynamic libraries, this introduces a performance overhead and introduces latency in launching applications because the dynamic linker must iterate over the entire list in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH looking for a given dynamic library, which for many directories in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH will be incorrect if $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is wrong. For example, with the chromium snap, we have all of the following directories in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

  • /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl
  • /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl32
  • /var/lib/snapd/void
  • "" (the empty string - this is likely a bug in desktop-launch that an empty string shows up here)
  • /snap/chromium/949/lib
  • /snap/chromium/949/usr/lib
  • /snap/chromium/949/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  • /snap/chromium/949/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  • /snap/chromium/949/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri
  • /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl
  • /snap/chromium/949/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio

In addition, the chrome binary has rpath set to the special linker recognized value $ORIGIN, which is just the directory where the chrome binary exists. This in effect adds 1 more directory to the list that the linker needs to search, because rpath is always consulted first before $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

If we assume that, on average a given dynamic library is found halfway through this list, the dynamic linker needs to look through around 6 candidate paths per dynamic library. The chrome binary has a total of 95 dynamic libraries it depends on (excluding the special “dynamic” library linux-vdso.so.1), which ends up meaning that the linker would have to consult 570 candidate dynamic library paths during run-time, which is a significant overhead. We could try to optimize this by ordering the entries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be such that directories with the most dynamic libraries in them at the front and the least dynamic libraries at the end so that we can improve the likelihood that the linker finds the right dynamic library, but we still introduce iterating over this list for some dynamic libraries.

A better way - use the cache

A better method is to setup the linker’s cache to point to the right directory for all of the dynamic libraries that the snap needs and remove all entries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and rpath so that the only method the linker uses to find a given dynamic library is to consult the cache, which produces the correct library. This is how most non-snap applications are setup, where after an application is installed from a Debian package, the linker cache is updated with all of the new dynamic libraries that were installed into the standard /lib, and /usr/lib directories.

We can do this for snaps with a couple of caveats and workarounds. The first thing to note is that the linker cache is located at /etc/ld.so.cache, which for strict snaps will be the same as the host, unlike most other files in /usr, /lib, etc. This is problematic for the snap, since it should not modify the host’s cache because the host’s cache will then contain snap specific dynamic libraries which at best will be incomplete and miss other libraries on the host file-system, and at worst will break many applications due to things like libc incompatibilities where the host is say an Ubuntu 19.10 based rootfs and the snap’s rootfs is an Ubuntu 16.04 based rootfs and so the files referenced from the snap’s cache may be for Ubuntu 16.04 whereas non-snap applications installed on the host need to have their Ubuntu 19.10 snap dependencies. Thus we need a snap-private dynamic linker cache, which is specific to each snap and not shared, but the file that is located in the snap’s run-time rootfs is shared with the host.

The second problem we run into is which directories to use when building our snap-specific dynamic linker cache. By default, the program ldconfig, which builds the cache, will only look at a few standard library paths such as /usr, /usr/lib, etc. for dynamic libraries to include in the cache, which will not include our snap’s dynamic libraries located in $SNAP. As such, we need to provide these snap specific dynamic libraries to ldconfig as arguments to build the cache, but then the question becomes how do we know which directories we should include in the cache? We could naively provide every directory in $SNAP to ldconfig, however this would be inefficient in the best case and could be wrong in the worst case because there could be conflicting dynamic libraries in the snap and the cache only contains a single path for a single library (i.e. the cache mapping is a bijective function), so these may overwrite each other and be wrong. It’s unlikely a snap would ship multiple versions of the same dynamic library, but it could happen for example when you have snaps using content snaps like the gnome run-time environment where a particular patched version of some dependency is in the snap, and another version of that dependency is in the run-time content snap.

The third problem is that if we remove all entries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH we introduce the possibility where if some of the directories in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH are not read-only paths within $SNAP and the libraries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH could disappear or change not during install or refresh of this snap (when we would recalculate the cache), applications could break because they aren’t able to find their dependencies because the cache is wrong and the linker doesn’t know where else to look. For example this could happen if a content interface is used to share libraries from another snap to this snap and the libraries move around within the other snap, but are still within the directories listed in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The linker would still find those with $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it would just find them in a different path, but if we remove $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and rely on the cache, it would not find them anymore. Another example of this could be if host graphics drivers were inside /var/lib/snapd/libs/gl, but were later removed and the snap shipped software libraries inside the snap, but the cache preferred the version of the libraries from /var/lib/snapd/libs/gl because those are hardware backed.

For the first problem, we are lucky and we can use a snap feature called layouts to mount a private file at /etc/ld.so.cache that is only available to the snap.

A trick we can use to fix the second problem is to take advantage of the fact that many existing snap applications ship with wrapper scripts which setup a correct $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and so we can use that $LD_LIBRARY_PATH value to setup a correct cache, then undefine that environment variable so that at run-time the dynamic linker just uses the cache instead. This isn’t ideal, because it still means we spend time during install or at run-time to setup $LD_LIBRARY_PATH only to undefine it later, but it works for now and we can likely pay the cost of calculating $LD_LIBRARY_PATH once per install or refresh and not every time at run-time like we do today.

For the last problem, we have a few options. The first is to just try really hard to ensure that this never happens, through careful management of dependencies in other snaps and make clear that removing graphics libraries may require re-installation of the snap application. Another option is that we can have a much lighter weight wrapper script run before the actual application which checks that all of the dynamic libraries are resolvable with the cache, and if they are not, re-generate the cache using $LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that things work again. This introduces a constant overhead checking things, but ensures that things will always work. The overhead of checking that the cache is correct is probably still smaller than the current cost of searching everything in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. There is an example script attached at the end which may be adapted towards this purpose.

Performance effects

I have implemented a minimal version of what is necessary to build a snap-private linker cache using $LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an install hook that runs when the snap is initially installed. This hook should also be run during refresh, but that would be as simple as running the same script during the post-refresh hook as well. I did not implement or measure the effects of the check detailed to solve the third problem above, but I have an example script which could be adapted to do so attached at the end of this post. Note that this script builds the cache using the directories from $LD_LIBRARY_PATH as arguments to the program ldconfig, which is what actually builds the cache. ldconfig will include all libraries it finds in those directories in the cache, so even dynamic libraries that the snap does not currently use (but may use later or manually by the user with something else) are still populated in the cache, so long as those libraries exist in one of the directories in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Here we can observe the effect of using the cache on the chromium snap, a speedup of about 500 milliseconds.

To measure this, I installed the snap, with the install hook building the cache in $SNAP_DATA, then moving the cache into /etc/ld.so.cache which is using a layout. After installing the snap, the snap’s mount namespace is discarded and we clear out all data in $SNAP_USER_DATA which re-triggers things like the desktop-launch helper to cache icons, etc. as well as avoids any time that chromium may take importing profiles. I confirmed that chromium does in fact use only the libraries from the cache by independently setting LD_DEBUG=libs right before running the chrome binary so that the dynamic linker prints out what paths it searches and where it finds them, etc. and all libraries that the normal version of the snap are found directly in the cache on the first try. This was done 10 times for statistical significance.

Here is the performance effect of doing this on other snaps:

Note that I did not use box and whisker charts for this graph, mainly because with a new method of waiting for the window to display with xdotool, the time is much less variable (here the mean was chosen for each one, out of the 10 runs for each snap type). Previously, we were using wmctrl to find the name of the window from a shell script, but switching to use xdotool with the --sync option is much more reliable in waiting for the window to appear.


Given the performance effect of doing this, I would recommend that we design some way to make it easier for snaps to opt-in to having an install/post-refresh hook build their ld.so.cache.

There are a few ways to do this, I’ve broken them up by which part is involved, and ordered by which could be done first:

Snap authors

Snap authors could adopt the patterns set out here, including:

  • Use the install/post-refresh hooks provided here to build a correct ld.so.cache
  • Add the cache correctness snippet to the desktop-launch helper (or to some other helper)
  • Measure the effects of doing this more widely than just the snaps I have tested here


Snapcraft could grow support for generating “install hook wrappers” which build the cache during install time and are automatically inserted into the snap with some opt-in setting in the snapcraft.yaml.

Snapcraft could also potentially add code to it’s pre-existing wrapper scripts to do the cache correctness check and regenerate the cache as needed.


Snapd could be changed to always setup a snap-private /etc/ld.so.cache file which would alleviate the need for snaps to use layouts to set this up.

Snapd could also potentially be changed to build the cache automatically at install/refresh time using all the directories in the snap, but from previously, there are issues with this since snapd won’t know for certain which directories should be “ignored” and not. This is also complicated by having content snaps, where we would probably also need to rebuild the cache when interfaces are connected.

Both of the snapd tasks could be done after the snapcraft things as they would not break any work done from the previous tasks.

There is another possible choice here, where snapd could gain a specification of some sort where snaps could specify what directories should be used (likely in the snap.yaml, perhaps alternatively through config dirs in meta/...) in building the cache and then snapd uses that to build the cache when installing the snap. (thanks to @cjp256 for the suggestion)


Here is a link to the install hook used to generate the cache. Note that in addition to adding this install hook, one should add the opengl plug to the install hook in the snapcraft.yaml so that the install hook can read the libraries from /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl.

Here is an example wrapper script which could be used to check if all of the dynamic libraries are satisfied by the cache, and if so unsets $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, otherwise re-generates the cache using the above script. It expects an environment variable FINAL_BINARY to be defined as the executable file to check with ldd to see if any of the dependencies are unresolvable with the cache.


I think supporting cache makes a great deal of sense. Performance is why it was originally created, no? :slight_smile:

It is perhaps premature, but on a related note - it would be really awesome to see what you have for a timeline chart / profile on an example snap’s startup, even if it’s mostly filled with unknown "?"s for the bulk of it! I am quite curious on the bigger picture.

I recently did some work in snapcraft to sort out library dependencies at snap creation so it can take into account content snaps (in order to warn the user if dependencies are missing, usually stage packages). It pretty much has to effectively do the same thing (compute/cache the dependencies by installing content snaps and look inside them to see what they’re providing to ensure the dependencies are satisfied).

Admittedly, you have got me thinking about this and the root of the problem. I’m sure this has been considered already, but I wonder if the implementation of (content) snaps would be greatly simplified if snap and content snaps were stacked (as in, “merged” in the overlayfs context). From what I’ve seen, most of the layout usage and LD_LIBRARY_PATH extension appears to be due to the unusual filesystem organization that starts with $SNAP for the snap in question, and then again with each content snap’s “target” mapping (e.g. $SNAP/gnome-platform for gnome-platform snap, $SNAP/data-dir/themes for gtk-3-themes, and so on.). I’m sure stacking the snaps as layers would have problems of its own, if it’s even possible, but the filesystem layout would be standard by most accounts and many of the fixups being done wouldn’t be required (for strict snaps)…? I know this is not strictly on topic, but I’ve gone on this tangent because I’m curious (if anyone feels like sharing sometime - I’ll buy the beers!). :slight_smile:

Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the conclusion of the above is that the use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is expensive compared to ld.so.cache. Excessive usage of RUNPATH will incur a similar penalty. So regardless, I imagine minimizing the usage of LD_LIBRARY_PATH is going to significantly improve performance, even if we don’t eliminate it entirely.

To continue on your analysis, I took a look at snapcraft’s usage of LD_LIBRARY_PATH found in the extensions and binned them:

  1. standard / traditional locations (found in /etc/ld.so.conf, /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/lib/$ARCH” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/lib”

  2. mesa/egl (is this required/used anymore? or perhaps just 16.04?) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH/mesa” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH/mesa-egl” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH”

NOTES: Is this useful anymore after 16.04 [1]? Can it be limited to just “core”? Should it respect the host’s alternative? [2]

# ls -al /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_EGL.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Dec  5 03:01 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_EGL.conf -> /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_egl_conf

[1] Bug #1609110 “Do we still need the mesa or mesa-egl directories ...” : Bugs : mesa package : Ubuntu [2] X/EGLDriverPackagingHOWTO - Ubuntu Wiki

  1. snapd (not required for traditional apps?) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “/var/lib/snapd/lib/gl”

  2. libunity (traditional apps relies on RUNPATH set at build-time?) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH/libunity”

  3. pulseaudio (traditional apps relies on RUNPATH set at build-time?) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH/pulseaudio”

  4. testability (i’m not sure what this is?) ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP/testability” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP/testability/$ARCH” ./extensions/desktop/common/desktop-exports:append_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP/testability/$ARCH/mesa”

  5. Qt5 (is this even used? I don’t see any matching path in the kde framework snaps?) ./extensions/desktop/kde-neon/launcher-specific:prepend_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH “$SNAP_DESKTOP_RUNTIME/usr/lib/$ARCH/qt5/libs”

What if each snap can ship its own ld configs (i.e. /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf) if it provides libraries that it wants to use or make available. I suppose it could be annotated as part of the snap.yaml instead, automatically even for the common cases. You can use those to generate the cache, with precedence: core < content < app. I think this approach an improvement over the current approach where snapcraft-preload/extensions make assumptions on the library directories provided by the content snaps (which, even if unlikely, may change over time). It can reduce some coupling.

I think if you are seeing your gains just by computing the cache every time, maybe consider adapting your scripts into snapcraft extensions’ desktop-launch command-chain wrapper to reduce/remove the usage of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and generate the cache after computing the set of search paths (or precomputing/re-assembling the ld config fragments)? Those are the apps that probably need it the most and probably wouldn’t take much effort beyond what you have already done :wink:. I think you should have all the required context there to eliminate much of LD_LIBRARY_PATH usage and I imagine the rest is a limited set for apps using environment to manipulate it (which should probably be discouraged)…

I want to add that I think it’s great you are taking on the performance work :smiley: I certainly appreciate perceptible improvements to snaps’ performance!

Cheers! -Chris

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In terms of the specific implementation, we use bind mounts because they are available everywhere. Overlay is something we’d like to use at some point, but robust implementations aren’t available in all kernels, so we can’t depend on it. Furthermore, while some advances have been made wrt overlay and LSMs (it wasn’t initially designed to work with LSMs), it hasn’t historically played well with AppArmor. It is theoretically possible to introspect the kernel to see if it is new enough and then choose to use overlay instead of bind mounts for the content interface, but this would require a lot of verification to ensure that it works well with our complex mount namespace and AppArmor (ie, a large task).


Worse still, modifying the global cache provides a means of sandbox escape since a snap would be able to put things in the global cache that might be used by other snaps or the system.

A per-snap cache makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for looking into this!

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I have such a utility that will be the subject of a followup post where I detail how to use it and some different conclusions there.

Yes, this is correct. I didn’t test this, but I assume it would because it the dynamic linker is still searching through directory lists instead of a single place. Additionally, this is uniquely harder than setting up the cache because the cache can be done at runtime with all of the information available, while this has to be done at build time where we may not have all of the information and build scripts may end up guessing somewhat the set of directories that libraries will be in.

This is also true, and it also got me thinking a little bit that another option we have actually is that snapd could setup a proper ld.so.cache “for most things” with expected paths in $SNAP/usr/lib/ and $SNAP/lib/ and $SNAP/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, and then snaps could augment those paths with very limited additions to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH if they needed (for example with chromium the directory $SNAP/usr/lib/chromium-browser). My worry here is that snapd would need to be more intelligent about content snaps and things since for example most content snaps will not be in those libraries I mention above (since they can’t just overlay on top of the original snap’s library directories so they are in something like $SNAP/gnome-platform or $SNAP/gnome-runtime). While we could just have snapd look at those too for building the cache now snapd is perhaps getting too intelligent to the point where we run into the issue I mention above where multiple conflicting libraries are put into the cache and it doesn’t “just work”.

Not sure to be honest, maybe someone like @alan_g who is more familiar with the graphics stacks could comment on if those directories are needed/used anymore? Perhaps also comment on the other directories like testability?

Perhaps snapd should grow the ability to introspect the alternatives here, AFAIK it currently only has a static list of libraries/directories that are used. I’d lean towards not changing anything here until someone files a bug about this (perhaps this already exists and my LP searching skills aren’t good enough?)

This is another option, I have updated my proposal to mention this, thanks for bringing this up.

Sure I think this is a great idea and am happy to provide assistance to others as necessary in adapting my scripts here to upstream sources.

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I can’t seem to edit my original post anymore, but I would just like to say that @lucyllewy has taken the scripts in the appendix and made them better for something to use in a real snap, see: https://github.com/snapcrafters/gimp/tree/master/scripts

Thanks @lucyllewy!

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I ran into a need for this kind of feature quite independent of the possible performance gains in the Steam snap: there are some games that overwrite LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and then fall over when they can’t find libraries that could only be located via the old LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I put together a small proof of concept snap to demonstrate:

The main differences to @ijohnson’s are:

  1. I’m not hooking install, since post-refresh is also called after the initial install.
  2. To cover the case of snaps using libraries from the gnome-platform snap, I’m also using interface hooks to regenerate the cache when the plug is connected. The disconnect-plug hook isn’t quite right since it seems to be invoked while the content is still available. Unfortunately the unprepare-plug hook is not run after the disconnection completes.
  3. Rather than trying to parse $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, I’m just writing out an ld.so.conf file containing the directories that would otherwise be added. I think this is what we’d need if we were to remove all the LD_LIBRARY_CONFIG updates in the desktop extension and other Snapcraft command chains.
  4. I’ve made the hook run with opengl plugged, which is necessary to read the Nvidia drivers. Not necessary everywhere, but something to keep in mind for desktop snaps.

It all seems to work okay. One thing I’m a little concerned about is the way I’m updating ld.so.cache in place. Any running executable in the snap will have a MAP_PRIVATE map of the file, and it is undefined behaviour to modify the backing file. Private maps are copy on write, but it is possible that any pages not currently paged in might not get split leading to some pages from one version and some pages from the other.

We can’t just move a new version over the old, since it is the source location for a bind mount: /etc/ld.so.cache would continue pointing at the old version. To avoid this, we’d need some snapd or base snap support (either have snapd update the bind mount, or have the base snap make `/etc/ld.so.cache a symlink to a file in a directory we could replace with layouts).

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i seem to remember @lucyllewy doing something similar (using the ld cache to speed up app startup) a while ago …

Yep. It was in the gimp snap, but it looks like she dropped it a few months back:

I’m not sure if it was due to it not working or not providing the expected perf improvements though.

Following on from my previous message: I don’t think we can fix the UB through base snap mods. While the base snap controls /etc on Ubuntu Core systems, /etc/ld.so.cache is going to be a regular file everywhere else. It’s a shame we can’t bind mount a symlink over the top of a regular file…

I mostly dropped it to not have to maintain the extra stuff. It seemed to work well as far as I can tell.