Core20 command format

I’m using electron now, simple css animations are not looking good at all on RPI 4. This is wierd because on rpi 3 works ok. So i am thinking that it is a software problem…

Any change @tobias can take a look? ( ) .

Is chromium-mir-kiosk any good?

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it is completely unsupported and outdated … and wont give you video playback acceleration either …

Ok. I have downloaded the git ( )

I have added to the snap stage packages va-driver-all and gstreamer1.0-tools . I am waiting to see if it will compile, maybe it will work.

I cannot see how i should debug because i see no errors…

theer are a bunch of debug settings:

I have used devmode and debug config. When i enable debug there are waaay too many logs. I could not find anything with meaning.

Yeah, that’s on my TODO list for this snap – make the debug options atomic so one can enable only the parts that might contain more info. Pull requests welcome!

The only error found which looks like it’s from a video element is:

Jun 28 11:38:32 ubuntu WPEWebProcess[14745]: Error: 9, This file contains no playable streams.. Debug output: qtdemux.c(716): gst_qtdemux_post_no_playable_stream_error (): /GstPipeline:image-decoder-0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstQTDemux:qtdemux0:

Maybe this can help you in the debugging progress.