Core snap stuck disabled

During an automatic update, snapd tried to update the core snap but it seems to be frozen (see logs below). There is no indication that there’s anything wrong in the logs. I’m not sure how to repair this.

This is what snap list looks like:

Name  Version  Rev    Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core  16-2.39  6964   stable    canonical✓  core,disabled
lxd   3.14     10972  stable    canonical✓  -

And snap changes:

ID   Status  Spawn                   Ready               Summary
32   Undone  yesterday at 13:51 PDT  today at 12:36 PDT  Auto-refresh snap "core"
33   Done    today at 12:22 PDT      today at 12:22 PDT  Refresh all snaps: no updates
34   Done    today at 12:25 PDT      today at 12:25 PDT  Refresh all snaps: no updates
35   Done    today at 12:34 PDT      today at 12:34 PDT  Refresh all snaps: no updates
36   Doing   today at 12:36 PDT      -                   Auto-refresh snap "core"
37   Done    today at 12:47 PDT      today at 12:47 PDT  Refresh all snaps: no updates

I aborted the automatic update (32) and the auto-refresh triggered the update again. Manually enabling the core snap results in error: snap "core" has "auto-refresh" change in progress.

After some more debugging I figured out it’s possibly related to this.