Classic confinement request for hw-probe

Apparmor logs messages with details about what data it used to make a decision regarding whether to allow or deny an action. @chipaca is asking you to run your application both with, and without, the raw-usb plug and paste the log messages from Apparmor showing the denial decisions.

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No denials printed by or dmesg. Just silently reduces output of lsusb -v if raw-usb is not connected.

Thank you.

raw-usb grants more than just ‘observe’ to the snap and IMO, the lack of information when raw-usb is not connected is ‘ok’. If the user wants full information, then the user can manually connect it. -1 to auto-connect raw-usb.

+1 to:

  • hardware-observe
  • mount-observe
  • network-observe
  • system-observe
  • upower-observe
  • log-observe

-1 to physical-memory-observe. This is pretty powerful and the user can manually connect for biosdecode.

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@alexmurray, @natalia, @sergiusens and @Wimpress - can one/all of you vote on this?

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Not directly related to the request for interfaces - but can you instead use the udisks2 interface to get the SMART data? This then might require less specific access for hw-probe itself.

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@linuxhw - can you answer @alexmurray’s question?

@alexmurray, @natalia, @sergiusens and @Wimpress - can one/all of you vote on this?

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@alexmurray @jdstrand

Currently I’m learning how to query SMART attributes via DBus [1, 2] or udisksctl. But this is a temp solution. I’m looking forward to get report of smartctl -x /dev/sdX in future since it’s used in the HDD/SSD Real-Life Reliability Test study and by the smartmontools project team to improve drivesdb.h.

Thank you.

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Now that Alex’s question was answered, @alexmurray, @natalia, @sergiusens and @Wimpress - can one/all of you vote on this?

@jdstrand - I concur with your votes above (-1 raw-usb and physical-memory-observe, +1 hardware-observe mount-observe network-observe system-observe upower-observe log-observe)

2 vote for and 0 votes against:

  • hardware-observe
  • mount-observe
  • network-observe
  • system-observe
  • upower-observe
  • log-observe

Granting use of these interfaces. This is now live.

0 votes for and 2 votes against physical-memory-observe and raw-usb.

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