Cant package Thonny Snap

Current Output :- This part is missing libraries that cannot be satisfied with any available stage-packages known to snapcraft:

  • These dependencies can be satisfied via additional parts or content sharing. Consider validating configured filesets if this dependency was built.

yeah, there is a hack (the ln calls in snapcraft.yaml that work around the versioned dependencies), it should not have any effect beyond that message in the logs … (though it might also not be needed at all anymore, who knows :slight_smile: )

Thats ok but how do i push it to releases ??

go to, log in and check why it could not be released …

(might be the use of raw-usb which is required to manage attached microcontroller boards)

It says uploaded to global store but i cant find any info, also to upload suggest login and upload but from where do i get my built snap package ??

if it failed to release you either got an email that states the reason or you can log in to the site above (the old/former store page) and check the results for that package. it will not show up anywhere in the store if it failed to release …

Yes thats what i mentioned earlier it says failed to release because of the versioning issue…

no, the version complaints have nothing to do with releasing … they are just helpful comments for you as a packager in case missing libs cause issues at runtime.

I checked mails but nothing is there, where do the build packages go ?? If i get i will upload using Command line after login…

did you log in to the site and check the package there ?

I did but my release section is blank, the build section remain as i mentioned earlier and nothing appears in published snaps section

i’m not talking about (or any other of the sub pages) … see the link i posted above

here is a screenshot

In the uploads section it asks me to login with cli and upload package but i dont have the package

hmm, this is indeed weird, if it successfully produced a .snap package (as your logs show it did), it should show up somewhere either in or on the dashboard page … not sure whats going on …

hey there this is the output for snapcraft status thonny-ide :-

This snap has no released revisions

yes, obviously … no idea what is wrong there, your built snap should be running through the security checks and then go to the edge channel normally, i have no idea why it does not …

Something wrong or anything skipped from my part ??

no idea, really … sorry

oops, i think i will build again…