Cannot find required base "core" when installing/refreshing when using 'base: core'

$ snap version
snap    2.39.1
snapd   2.39.1
series  16
ubuntu  19.04
kernel  5.0.0-15-generic

$ snap list core
Name  Version    Rev   Tracking  Publisher   Notes
core  16-2.39.1  7121  beta      canonical✓  core

I recently changed the review-tools snapcraft.yaml to use this so I could use newer snapcraft in LP and multipass locally:

base: core

and (as seen from above), with core installed I see:

$ sudo snap install --edge review-tools
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Mount snap "review-tools" (857) (cannot find required base "core")

and if I install stable first and try to refresh to edge:

$ sudo snap install review-tools
review-tools 0.48+git from Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) installed
$ sudo snap refresh --edge review-tools
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Mount snap "review-tools" (857) (cannot find required base "core")

If you are using launchpad directly, you need to do additional setup and in the boxes for core and snapcraft add stable for each.

This worked for me, thanks!

$ sudo snap refresh review-tools --edge
review-tools (edge) 0.48+git from Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) refreshed
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