hey so i’m not sure if this is the same or a separate bug, but a similar issue appears on armhf builds using rust. any ideas where to go from here / what the correct place to log a bug would be (new or re-opening the linked one)?
The relevant part of the log:
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf'
error: could not download file from 'https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/channel-rust-stable.toml.sha256' to '/root/.cargo/tmp/zlpjrtkbf5wpu12a_file'
info: caused by: failed to make network request
info: caused by: https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/channel-rust-stable.toml.sha256: timed out
on x86 (or amd64):
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-i686-unknown-linux-gnu'
info: latest update on 2019-05-23, rust version 1.35.0 (3c235d560 2019-05-20)
info: downloading component 'rustc'
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
stable-i686-unknown-linux-gnu installed - rustc 1.35.0 (3c235d560 2019-05-20)
the checksum file is available and can be downloaded in both cases, which makes me suspect it’s this / another network connectivity issue.