Brave browser is listed in `snap refresh --list` but I’m on the the latest version

Brave browser is listed in snap refresh --list but I’m on the the latest version

Brave version (brave://version info)

Brave 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision 77ae816289bb4557b7e04b3ff2e52d091ab68d66
OS Linux

When I try to update it the update process gets stuck at:

17:21:27+03:00 INFO snap "brave" has bad plugs or slots:
content (content plug must contain target path)
Handling re-refresh of "brave" as needed         

I opened an issue on the Brave browser GitHub repo and they redirected me to this platform.


Regarding the plug/slot warning, see: Following official docs for cups results in invalid plug warnings

@ogra this post is about snap refresh --list listing packages that are already at their latest version (see: It’s not really specifically about Brave, it just happened to be one of those packages in this case.

Initially, I was not able to reproduce exactly what Nidal saw, but I just got the following:

% snap refresh --list   
Name     Version    Rev   Size   Publisher  Notes
brave    1.57.64    274   165MB  brave✓     -
firefox  117.0.1-2  3131  248MB  mozilla✓   -
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap refresh 
All snaps up to date.
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap refresh --list
Name     Version    Rev   Size   Publisher  Notes
brave    1.57.64    274   165MB  brave✓     -
firefox  117.0.1-2  3131  248MB  mozilla✓   -
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap refresh       
All snaps up to date.
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap refresh brave
error: snap "brave" has "auto-refresh" change in progress
% snap refresh 
All snaps up to date.
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap refresh firefox
snap "firefox" has no updates available
% snap refresh --list    
All snaps up to date.
WARNING: There is 1 new warning. See 'snap warnings'.
% snap list|grep 'brave\|firefox'
brave                           1.57.64                     274    latest/stable  brave**           -
firefox                         117.0.1-2                   3131   latest/stable  mozilla**         -

This looks like a bug to me. snap refresh --list shows packages at their latest versions/revisions as requiring a refresh, then snap refresh says all snaps are up to date (which is true, but contradicts what snap refresh --list says) and then snap refresh brave says a refresh is already ongoing, but there’s nothing to refresh. And finally snap refresh --list says there’s nothing to refresh, but all packages are at their initial versions/revisions which initially made it list those packages as requiring a refresh.

sorry, i have edited my post to make more clear what i was referring to … (and have also moved the post to the snapd category so the right people see it in their queue (i highly doubt this is a packaging issue :wink: ))