Auto-connecting the personal-files interface for the firefox snap

Similar to what was done for the chromium snap, I am working on enabling a one-time import of existing user profiles by the firefox snap on first run (typically if firefox was installed by another packaging system, such as apt, and used previously).

This requires read-only access to $HOME/.mozilla/firefox.

The corresponding plug declaration is:

    interface: personal-files
    read: [$HOME/.mozilla/firefox]

Please consider granting auto-connection as a store assertion.

Note that I am requesting this in anticipation for a feature that hasn’t landed yet: I am working with Mozilla to switch the Firefox snap over to being built from source on Launchpad, and once everything is in place (including the existing profiles import feature), this new snap will replace the current one (which is just a repackaged upstream build) in the store.

Since this is using personal-files, there is no need for the home- prefix on the name - plus the convention is to use a hyphen after dot - can you please change the name to dot-mozilla-firefox?

+1 from me, this is one of the primary use-cases for the personal-files interface - ie. migrating existing config from a non-snap install to the snap based package.

+1 with the changes @alexmurray mentioned

Done, thanks for the prompt response!

I am +1 as well for auto-connect personal-files with read access to $HOME/.mozilla/firefox using the interface reference dot-mozilla-firefox. +3 votes for, 0 votes against, granting the requested auto connection. This is now live.

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