Appearance of snaps in Ubuntu/GNOME Software

What work is going on to improve how snaps look in Ubuntu/GNOME Software? @robert.ancell maybe you’d know? :slight_smile:

0AD snap

0AD Deb

Only one thing it needs - “Snap” badge. How will we know that this app is snap?

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I think there are plenty of things that are coming this way, from the top of my head:

  • more appstream metadata exposed, images, translations
  • more badges, snap badge, license information
  • ability to configure snaps (interfaces and maybe per-snap config later on)
  • ability to launch various snap applications

I think some of those were discussed at the London sprint (photos are elsewhere on the forum)

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As @zyga-snapd said there’s various improvements going on to improve the snap metadata so it can look better in GNOME Software. I haven’t heard of any demand for snap “badge”, since for most users the exact mechanism their software is delivered is not something they’re interested about. As snaps mature there have been discussions about what to do about archive packages (e.g. remove from archive, hide from software app).