Aliyundup snap based on python

Yes, I change it to PUBLIC… and then it works .
I want to register “aliyun” as my snap name , but it has been registered already… What a pity ! Do you have any other good way ? “aliyun” should be mine…

It seems that “aliyun” has no snap info. …Why?
How can I get back my “aliyun” snap name ?

Right, making the snap public public allows every machines to see (install) it, not only the ones you (the published) are logged in (snap login).

Regarding the ‘aliyun’ name, it was registered by someone else in March 3rd and still have no uploads.

Do you have any strong reason for us the reassign ownership on that name to you ? Forgive my ignorance, but I didn’t find any reference to you as the official maintainer of it.

If you have a case please open a new topic in this forum explaining why ‘aliyun’ should be yours and will happily transfer it to you.

OK, I think I should give up the snap name ‘aliyun’ …

I have add aliases for my snap apps, and they work well now … But it seems meaningless that I have written in the "apps: aliases " of the snapcraft.yaml file … is that right? it does not work…
One snap app could have several aliases , that’s very nice.

snapcraft.yaml below:

    command: bin/ossduplicity
    aliases: [ossduplicity]
    command: bin/ossutil
    aliases: [ossutil]
    command: bin/osscmd
    aliases: [osscmd]