A bundle snap?


I am assistant at university and my job requires me to install various packages on all the new systems and keep them updated and in working condition. Sometimes the updates are not done for a long time and when they are updated after such a long-time they sometimes fail and bring lot of trouble

My question here is, is it possible or allowed to package a bundle snap that fetches other snap-applications and deb-packages and installs them (I have coe to know of snap advantages few days ago)

To demonstrate I give you an example, i need to install these pacakages such as matlab, jdk, netbeans-ide, vs-code, gedit, jupyter-notebook

instead of running a shell-script is it possible bundle these example packages under one name for example and push it on snap-store as private snap:

sudo snap install data-labs



If I’m not mistaken, you’re looking for stage-snaps. E.g I’m having a private snap with nginx + Let’s Encrypt for doing some reverse proxying. Certbot (Let’s Encrypt) is bundled as a snap.

However, I think you’ll have to expose the apps through the pacakge, e.g to launche matlab through the terminal you’ll have to use data-labs.matlab. But you can simplify this with desktop launchers, or aliasing, but guess desktop launchers are easier to maintain and user friendly.

Using private snaps for this will require you to log in with your credentials in every computer.

  • Daniel
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Thanks for the explanation @joachimmg, I’m new to snap.yaml. still need to understand a lot of stuff for putting a snap package

Then definitely not a private-snap then as it’s needed to be used by the students pretty much

you can just mark your snap unlisted in the store … then it will not be found by searches or show up anywhere, but people you give the name will still be able to install it…


But please don’t upload a copy of Matlab to the store: private, unlisted or otherwise. You should only upload software that you have the right to redistribute.

that’s nice to know

My apologies by matlab, I meant using the GNU-octave here