2023.2 track for RustRover IDE


Please create 2023.2 track for ‘rustrover’.

Thanks in advance!

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I couldn’t find a snap by that name. Is this the actual name by which it is publicly available?




That’s a brand new product. What actions should be taken to create a new one?

@odysseus-k This is the product https://www.jetbrains.com/rust/. We’ve already have a request to add it to snapcraft, so looking forward for the request to be resolved!

It’s a new product and thus wasn’t added to the snapcraft before.

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Apologies for my delayed response. Great! So once your request has been resolved and rustrover becomes available as a snap, similar to other Jetbrains products, we can create the 2023.2 track for it. By the way, your second link directs to a youtrack issue, not to the request for adding rustrover as a snap.




I still have the problem (attached screenshot).

And I don’t see rustrover snap inside of jetbrains.

Why would you expect to see it yet ? Jetbrains will:

  • need to claim the rustover name in the snapstore
  • create a snap package
  • upload the snap package
  • go through the review process for classic confinement for this snap in the store

All that seems to exist by now is an issue on their issue tracker to create such a snap, it does not seem that any of the above steps on the snapcraft.io side has even happened

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The 2023.2 track for rustrover has now been created.

